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Last updated
Epoch Duration: While the Expansion Epoch lasts for 8 hours, the Contraction Epoch only lasts for 6 hours. This design significantly enhances the efficiency of PDO price balancing.
The protocol will allocate 75% of the new PDO supply to PSH Boardroom stakers for each expansion epoch. Additionally, 20% will be allocated to the Treasury, while 5% of PDO will be converted to buy back $SCB and then burned.
The protocol uses TWAP instead EMA as oracle. Time-weighted is more accurate and less subject to attack vectors.
The Poseidollar Bonds have no expiry date.
Expansion Epoch : The amount of PDO minted during each epoch expansion is restricted according to the PDO supply. The detail is displayed in the table below
PDO Supply | Expansion/ Bonds Cap Issued per Epoch |
In the case where the Treasury is in debt, meaning the PDO reserve in the treasury is less than the amount of PBD purchased, the expansion cap will be reduced by 50%.
< 500,000
500,000 +
1,000,000 +
2,000,000 +
5,000,000 +
8,000,000 +
12,000,000 +
16,000,000 +
20,000,000 +